Knowing the truth and being confident in the truth is Amazing!!!... In my quest for the truth and in speaking with others i have come to realize that Christ Ahnsahnghong is true Almighty God in the flesh... Let's think about it for a moment and lets look at the facts, shall we?...
I have been curious as to what people have to say about Christ in general, and in my journey for the truth I have spoken to people that I can relate and people that I can respect their opinions. People that are well educated in religious matters or that their entire life have been devoted to serving God. I have asked them questions, simple ones like:
1. "What is your opinion about the Second coming of Christ?" or
2. "If something bad happens (disaster), how will God protect us?" or
3. "Does God says anything in the bible about how or when should we worship him?"
Regarding the 1st question: this is the answer i have gotten...According to the bible 2nd coming Christ will appear in the clouds of the sky...and nobody knows the day or time... Well for me that is not acceptable, how is it possible that he will come in such a way, Our God is Almighty God, powerful indeed, but it make no sense, According to the bible Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Then somehow we must know about his coming! Well Jesus 2,000 years ago did tell us that he always spoke in parables and in the book of Matthew he said: Matthew 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us" they said "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of age?" It is Amazing that the disciples would know of such mysteries. Then what do you think, we won't know? of course everything is written in the bible, the problem is we don't ask. Jesus did say learn the lesson of the fig tree (Matt 24:32) and we will know...
Regarding 2nd question: This is the response i got... just pray and have faith and the hope that he will save us. WHAT?!...HOPE... from the beginning of time God has saved all his children, servants and prophets, what do you think is any different now? I don't think so. He did say Psalm 91:7 - A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. Now who promised this??? Our Father, then how will this be possible....Psalm 91:14 Because he loves me says the Lord, "I will rescue him: I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Which name? our Father's name Christ Ahnsahnghong, everyone acknowledges the name of Jesus, but this prophecy has to be fulfill. When we study the bible we realize that The Father Jehovah, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit Christ Ahnsahnhong is the same Almighty God. In Matthew 28:18...Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... Very clear in the name of the Father-Jehovah, in the name of the Son - Jesus, in the name of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit has to have a name!, we are not dumb, it is clear in the name). Then we must acknowledge the name to be saved and also receive the seal of God (Rev. 7:1) that can only be given to us by the Angel from the EAST.
Regarding the 3rd question: This is the answer i got... any day is OK to worship God, because he has blessed every day... OK, when i read the bible from the book of Genesis I see that he did not blessed every day, he only blessed and made holy The Seventh day (GEN 2:1 By the Seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested...and God blessed the seventh day and made it holy...) and he also gave it a name and made it a command (EXO 20:8 - Remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy...but the seventh day is a Sabbath...)
IT IS AMAZING!!! When YOU can be CONFIDENT in the WORD OF GOD and have FULL FAITH that YOU ARE GOING TO BE SAVED and that YOU are FOLLOWING what is CORRECT IN GOD'S EYES and not in the eyes of men...
Thank you FATHER AHNSAHNGHONG and MOTHER for the CONFIDENCE, LOVE, BLESSING and PROTECTION that YOU have GIVEN ME.... Until next time....
I totally agree the truth about Christ Ahnsahnghong is amazing!!!
Wow, there are alot of verses that testify about Him, huh? I never heard of Christ Ahnsahnghong before in any church. Why?
Before I was not confident in my salvation, but now that I know Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother I can be sure that They have brought me salvation!
Just because you dont know something. it does not mean is not true...Get to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem... and you will see it is true...that is why I agree with your post...GBU
Christ Ahnsahnghong is true God that revealed the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. How amazing that we have the words of truth from our heavenly Father and Mother
Amazing truth, God said he will reveal to his sevants the prophets. He has revealed, his great plan of coming a second time! Christ Ahnsahnghong has revealed all of his plan to us, thank you Father!
Woww its amazing! christ Ahnsahnghong made it so easy for us he laid out all the truth for us to understand!
Actually before I had never been confident but the more I see the proof and the prophecies through the bible I am sure that Christ Ahnsahnghong is 2nd coming christ
Only the truth can save us. Our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong showed us every true hidden in the bible, and that’s why we are able to keep all the laws of God all over again. Thank you Heavenly Father!!!!!!! He is our true savior
Yes It is so true. It really feels great to know that we know the truth and keep it. Thanks to Father Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem we have no problem understanding the truth of the bible. God's words are perfect because God is perfect.
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