I was thinking as to what is the definition of the words CULT or SECT so i went to the webster dictionary and found this...
often attributive
French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate — more at wheel
1: formal religious veneration : worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator
Middle English secte, from Anglo-French & Late Latin & Latin; Anglo-French, group, faction, from Late Latin secta organized ecclesiastical body, from Latin, course of action, way of life, probably from sectari to pursue, frequentative of sequi to follow — more at sue
14th century
1 a: a dissenting or schismatic religious body; especially : one regarded as extreme or heretical b: a religious denomination 2 archaic : sex 1
Why the curiosity?... because by studying the bible I read the book of Acts (ACTS 24:5-...He (Peter) is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect,... v13-16- I (Peter) strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.) and find out that 2,000 years ago Jesus and the apostles were consider a sect/cult. INCREDIBLE!!!
It is amazing, to the extreme of what people can say, or do, to what they don't understand or are afraid of... We must stop and really think for one moment because our Father already said trough the bible: Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge. Matthew 22:29 - You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. If we truly want to know the truth we must look into the scriptures. If we are really curious and want to know who is our Father Ahnsahnghong we must look into scriptures (John 5:21...These are the scriptures that testify about me...)
Please my people, lets be smarter than that and lets start thinking for ourselfs, lets do research and get the facts, before we make the same mistakes as 2,000 years ago....until next time...
Wow, I never knew the Scriptures said so much. It really is the only way to see what is right and wrong. If Christ Ahnsahnghong is God, there must be evidence for it in the Bible.
I actually always wondered why nowadays no one is persecuted for the name of Jesus even though 2,000 years ago they went through so much and were even put to death. It is b/c that name brought them salvation and with salvation comes persecution. Nowadays the true Saviors name is Christ AhnSahngHong and now the same thing is happening just as the Bible prophesied.
People seem to be afraid of what they don't know - understood. But if that something is unknown, it shouldn't be criticized. Church of God World Mission Society is looked upon as a cult because it was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong, someone unheard of in this world. If people would only take the time to find out who he is first! And if they won't do that, then they shouldn't say anything at all.
I agree, through the scriptures you could see who God is, that is why God left us the Bible, The Scriptures testify that Christ Ahnsahnghong is King David, Melchizedek,Elijah...so many...can anyone prove that he is not...using the scriptures...i dont think so.
At first I thought that what people were saying was true. "O you're in a cult, you're being brainwashed." But the truth was they did not know the Bible they did not know Christ. Because Christ Ahnsahnghong came, opened the eyes of the spiritually blind, unveiled the truth and bought us salvation people think I'm in a cult??? I do not want to be destroyed or lack anymore knowledge like so many people are now. Everything is in the bible: Christ Ahnsahnghong, Mother Jersulsam, Passover, Sabbath and so much more. How can I deny?
Christ Ahnsahnghong is God Almighty, not a cult. the Bible clearly testifies that he is our savior in this age.
Thats so interesting when we see the words people throw around because it what they have been taught its sad. I thank Father and Mother because without them I too would have been like them.
Its so true before we say anything about Christ Ahnsahnghong we should do research. People do so much studying about physics science, sociology, etc. But when people talk about the bible or about God just saying just what they heard or what they were raised with is enough..im glad people are actually starting to study the prophesies about second coming Christ I hope others do as well
Some how i guess i never realized it but we all do follow cults... without following the bible how can we truely know God?
I wonder how people nowadays would have treated Christ two thousand years ago!? Probably they would have stoned him too. If they could only have an open mind to look into the prophecies of the bible and see the truth! Christ Ahnsahnghong fulfilled everything! i Give Glory to Father Ahnsahnghong for letting me realize the true treasure, Father and Mother!
Wow if im in a "cult" then this is the best "cult" to be in! everything i have learned so far is about love, serving and helping one another. I have not seen anything negative about the Church of God World Mission Society! I cant wait to lear more and especially about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother. God bless you.
so there is actually the possibility that the church of God is the true church. And if that is so then their teachings must also be true and also making the belief in Christ Ahnsahnghong true.
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