Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hi is me again....hope you are still carefully thinking about the truth, and that your mind is not being lead astray by nonsense of this world. What is wrong with this world? People!, is good to be cautious, but, make sure that you are not being lead astray by falsehood. When i speak of Christ Ahnsahnhong, i feel joy and i am going to tell you why. When i look in the world who can teach anything about God, if it is not God himself.

Yesterday i was speaking to a co worker and he knows i have been going to church and the more i go and learn, the more i want to go (incredible right!), is an insatiable thirst for the truth and it has no quenching. Anyway, we were talking and I was very blunt when i spoke about Christ Ahnsahnghong...(i am not afraid to use the name Ahnsahnhong, why should I? nobody is afraid to use the name Jesus, right?)... all of a sudden my co-worker got very serious and he told me that he had gone into the Internet and had found so many disturbing things about the COG, the World Mission Society, and that he was shock to know that I, an "Intelligible men" (as he puts it) might be involved with the same church. Why not?, why can't I. I believe in the bible, and because he knows that i just don't jump into things, and i am very cautious about everything he was willing to listen as to why...
When i opened the bible and explained to him that we can't have eternal life unless we know true God, as is written in the scriptures (John 17:2 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God,...), he asked me how can he, when so many claim to be 2nd coming Christ in these last days (John 5:39 - ...These are the Scriptures that testify about me...), once i showed him this, he asked me how I know this is the truth and i answered him with a smile, because everything is in the bible. We can't let anyone or anything get in the way of our salvation. 2,000 years ago disciple Paul said 2 Corinthians 5:16 - So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. If we continue letting ourselves be lead by the point of view of the world we will be destroyed...

At the end my co-worker decided to come and study with me one day. Like i said to him what do you have to loose? Nothing, but you might gain Eternal Life.... I will inform you next time of what happened.

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