Monday, December 3, 2007

Ahnsahnhong = Truth = Amazing!!!

Knowing the truth and being confident in the truth is Amazing!!!... In my quest for the truth and in speaking with others i have come to realize that Christ Ahnsahnghong is true Almighty God in the flesh... Let's think about it for a moment and lets look at the facts, shall we?...
I have been curious as to what people have to say about Christ in general, and in my journey for the truth I have spoken to people that I can relate and people that I can respect their opinions. People that are well educated in religious matters or that their entire life have been devoted to serving God. I have asked them questions, simple ones like:

1. "What is your opinion about the Second coming of Christ?" or
2. "If something bad happens (disaster), how will God protect us?" or
3. "Does God says anything in the bible about how or when should we worship him?"

Regarding the 1st question: this is the answer i have gotten...According to the bible 2nd coming Christ will appear in the clouds of the sky...and nobody knows the day or time... Well for me that is not acceptable, how is it possible that he will come in such a way, Our God is Almighty God, powerful indeed, but it make no sense, According to the bible Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Then somehow we must know about his coming! Well Jesus 2,000 years ago did tell us that he always spoke in parables and in the book of Matthew he said: Matthew 24:3 As Jesus was sitting on the mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately. "Tell us" they said "when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of age?" It is Amazing that the disciples would know of such mysteries. Then what do you think, we won't know? of course everything is written in the bible, the problem is we don't ask. Jesus did say learn the lesson of the fig tree (Matt 24:32) and we will know...

Regarding 2nd question: This is the response i got... just pray and have faith and the hope that he will save us. WHAT?!...HOPE... from the beginning of time God has saved all his children, servants and prophets, what do you think is any different now? I don't think so. He did say Psalm 91:7 - A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. Now who promised this??? Our Father, then how will this be possible....Psalm 91:14 Because he loves me says the Lord, "I will rescue him: I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. Which name? our Father's name Christ Ahnsahnghong, everyone acknowledges the name of Jesus, but this prophecy has to be fulfill. When we study the bible we realize that The Father Jehovah, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Spirit Christ Ahnsahnhong is the same Almighty God. In Matthew 28:18...Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing then in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... Very clear in the name of the Father-Jehovah, in the name of the Son - Jesus, in the name of the Holy Spirit (the Holy Spirit has to have a name!, we are not dumb, it is clear in the name). Then we must acknowledge the name to be saved and also receive the seal of God (Rev. 7:1) that can only be given to us by the Angel from the EAST.

Regarding the 3rd question: This is the answer i got... any day is OK to worship God, because he has blessed every day... OK, when i read the bible from the book of Genesis I see that he did not blessed every day, he only blessed and made holy The Seventh day (GEN 2:1 By the Seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested...and God blessed the seventh day and made it holy...) and he also gave it a name and made it a command (EXO 20:8 - Remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy...but the seventh day is a Sabbath...)

IT IS AMAZING!!! When YOU can be CONFIDENT in the WORD OF GOD and have FULL FAITH that YOU ARE GOING TO BE SAVED and that YOU are FOLLOWING what is CORRECT IN GOD'S EYES and not in the eyes of men...

Thank you FATHER AHNSAHNGHONG and MOTHER for the CONFIDENCE, LOVE, BLESSING and PROTECTION that YOU have GIVEN ME.... Until next time....

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christ Ahnsanhong....Who?

Hello people, how is everyone today?... The more i read the bible the more amazed I am. I wonder what would have been of me if I would have turn away, when i was first taught about Christ Ahnsanghong. Many people are afraid of the things they don't understand, and is only natural, but we must give things a chance, hey Rome was not built in a day, right? As long as we believe in the bible lets find out and listen to what it says...

Romans 10:17 - Consequently Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

Many people say Christ Ahnsahnghong...Who? but they don't stop to ask questions...Did you know that the intelligent always ask questions and never turn back that is why they are intelligent. Remember the nerdy kid in school that will always asked questions, where is he now? today he might be a doctor or an attorney, definitely not the or maybe a rocket scientist. Whatever the case he is who he is because he was not afraid to ask questions. Then what do you want to be when the time comes?... i want to be and angel....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hi is me again....hope you are still carefully thinking about the truth, and that your mind is not being lead astray by nonsense of this world. What is wrong with this world? People!, is good to be cautious, but, make sure that you are not being lead astray by falsehood. When i speak of Christ Ahnsahnhong, i feel joy and i am going to tell you why. When i look in the world who can teach anything about God, if it is not God himself.

Yesterday i was speaking to a co worker and he knows i have been going to church and the more i go and learn, the more i want to go (incredible right!), is an insatiable thirst for the truth and it has no quenching. Anyway, we were talking and I was very blunt when i spoke about Christ Ahnsahnghong...(i am not afraid to use the name Ahnsahnhong, why should I? nobody is afraid to use the name Jesus, right?)... all of a sudden my co-worker got very serious and he told me that he had gone into the Internet and had found so many disturbing things about the COG, the World Mission Society, and that he was shock to know that I, an "Intelligible men" (as he puts it) might be involved with the same church. Why not?, why can't I. I believe in the bible, and because he knows that i just don't jump into things, and i am very cautious about everything he was willing to listen as to why...
When i opened the bible and explained to him that we can't have eternal life unless we know true God, as is written in the scriptures (John 17:2 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God,...), he asked me how can he, when so many claim to be 2nd coming Christ in these last days (John 5:39 - ...These are the Scriptures that testify about me...), once i showed him this, he asked me how I know this is the truth and i answered him with a smile, because everything is in the bible. We can't let anyone or anything get in the way of our salvation. 2,000 years ago disciple Paul said 2 Corinthians 5:16 - So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. If we continue letting ourselves be lead by the point of view of the world we will be destroyed...

At the end my co-worker decided to come and study with me one day. Like i said to him what do you have to loose? Nothing, but you might gain Eternal Life.... I will inform you next time of what happened.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Searching for My Brothers and Sisters.....

Hello, I am is everyone today? I am so happy and amazed at the responses that my blog got when i spoke about cult or sect. It is amazing when you don't do the research who or what you might be following!.
When I study the scriptures I get goosebumps to know that all the answers are in this precious book, and it saddens me to see that not many people are really interested in finding out about the TRUTH, but are involved in following customs and traditions and the ways of the world. Even our Father wrote about it 2,000 years ago in the scriptures: Matthew 15:3 - Jesus replied "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your traditions?....v7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me..."
It is amazing what we learn when we pay attention to the scriptures. In this world are many people in search of the truth, but how can we find the truth? can we be guided by what our friends say (sometimes they now less than us) or by what our parents say (they follow generations of customs) or a stranger (we don't know their intentions nor motives)? then what must we do?.... Lets think!, if i am going to do a research paper do i depend in peoples opinions or do i go to the source? of course i go to the source, because is reliable. Peoples opinions shift constantly and unfortunately the majority of the time is based on speculations and personal feelings, we can't depend on it. Then if i am looking for the Truth about who is Ahnsanghong i must depend and rely on the true and reliable source, the Bible.
The scriptures do say: John 5:39 - You diligently study the scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the scriptures that testify about me yet you refuse to come to me to have life" and in another verse it says
John 10:14 - "I am the good Shepherd" i know my sheep and my sheep know me-... Then to truly know God Almighty our Savior Ahnsahnghong, I must search in the scriptures, before i make a mistake and follow people instead of God.
I truly want to meet my true brothers and sisters those who do not rely on people nor customs...those who are in search of the truth and that are as eager to enter the kingdom of heaven as I am... until next time...
I will search for my brothers and sisters.... Thank you Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother... because i was blind and you gave me sight, i was deaf and you gave me hearing, I needed wisdom and knowledge and you opened the way...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Christ Ahnsahnghong - Cult?

I was thinking as to what is the definition of the words CULT or SECT so i went to the webster dictionary and found this...

often attributive
French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate — more at wheel
1: formal religious veneration : worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents 3: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents4: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator 5 a: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion



Middle English secte, from Anglo-French & Late Latin & Latin; Anglo-French, group, faction, from Late Latin secta organized ecclesiastical body, from Latin, course of action, way of life, probably from sectari to pursue, frequentative of sequi to follow — more at sue
14th century
1 a: a dissenting or schismatic religious body; especially : one regarded as extreme or heretical b: a religious denomination 2 archaic : sex 1 3 a: a group adhering to a distinctive doctrine or to a leader b: party c: faction

Why the curiosity?... because by studying the bible I read the book of Acts (ACTS 24:5-...He (Peter) is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect,... v13-16- I (Peter) strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.) and find out that 2,000 years ago Jesus and the apostles were consider a sect/cult. INCREDIBLE!!!

It is amazing, to the extreme of what people can say, or do, to what they don't understand or are afraid of... We must stop and really think for one moment because our Father already said trough the bible: Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge. Matthew 22:29 - You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. If we truly want to know the truth we must look into the scriptures. If we are really curious and want to know who is our Father Ahnsahnghong we must look into scriptures (John 5:21...These are the scriptures that testify about me...)

Please my people, lets be smarter than that and lets start thinking for ourselfs, lets do research and get the facts, before we make the same mistakes as 2,000 years ago....until next time...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Christ Ahnsahnghong - Is He 2nd Coming Christ?

According to the bible, 2nd Coming Christ or the Messiah had to come a second time in these last days (Hebrew 9:27-28). Everyone that I know is waiting for Second Coming Christ, regardless of their religious background. Then, why is it so difficult to believe that Christ Ahnsahnghong is 2nd coming Christ? ...

Since I can remember my grandparents and parents have always told me that the bible is the most sacred book in the world, that the only way I was going to know God was if I read the bible, but like everyone else I tried to read it on many occasions without answers. Many things, in the bible seemed either contradicting or to complex for me. But I could not put it down and I would start reading again, I felt this power from it, I couldn't explain.

Now I understand what was the power, it was the light calling me... Christ Ahnsahnghong is the true light, 2nd Coming Christ, the angel from from the East that has given us the seal in these last days (Revelation 7:2). He has revealed all truth as prophesied.
It is amazing the things hidden in the bible in these last days... Thank you Father and Mother for your mercy and sacrifice.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Word Of Our Savior, Second Coming Christ...

Everyone is in search and in need of Salvation, but unfortunately we don't know who to ask or where to turn. I give all Honor and immense gratitude to our Savior 2nd Coming Christ Ahnsahnghong for coming and revealing all truth to us in this last days. I was lost in this world and I knew that the only place that I could find the truth was in the bible. I turn to many religious leaders and ask questions, and the same answer was always given to me..."Pray and your questions will be answered, or, the scriptures are a great mystery that can't be reveal at this time, or, when we enter heaven God will give you the answers"...
How is it possible that the most precious book, the one book that many claim to read and know, be such a great mystery. Then i understood only he who wrote it can answer, but for the little knowledge that I have, I also new that it was impossible for me to receive the answers when it was too late, in judgment day. I needed the answers NOW, why? because I felt that my salvation depended on it.
One day someone approached me and spoke to me about the bible (like many other times), but this time for some reason I felt different, he was speaking to me about things I never heard of, so I asked my questions and AMEN!!! I started receiving answers, true answers. Not one of the answers were interpretations all the questions were answered through the bible, but I stoped asking and began to listen and when I could speak again I dared asked... How come you know so much? how come I have never seen nor heard of this before?... and the answer came... 2nd coming Christ Ahn sahng hong, the root of David has come to this world as prophesied through the bible (Revelation 5:1-5) has come and revealed all truth. WHAT!!! am I hearing correctly? so many things pass trough my mind is this true?, is this a crazy guy speaking to me?, but wait a minute no matter how hard it is to swallow he has answered everything through the bible, and the bible says Christ had to come again (Hebrew 9:27-28). Now I am curious, not totally convinced but I want to know more, I want to truly understand, what should I do?...
I want to meet him again. I want to see how far will this go. WHOA!!! Amazing, incredible every question, every answer is in the bible, Christ Ahnshanghong is true almighty God!!! as prophesied he had to come and reveal all truth, no matter how hard i tried to find something wrong. I have always believed in the bible and it was undeniable, the true Messiah our Savior has come, without a doubt he is God Almighty the reveler of Mystery Ahnsahnghongnim our Father... Now I see the light, what a joy, I am not blind, nor deaf any longer, I have received salvation. Thank You Father and Mother, without you I am nothing.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Beauty of Mother

All honor and praises be to our Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother Jerusalem... The beauty of our Mother, her love, tendernes and her patience is reflected in everything that she has created for all of her children...Thank You from the bottom of my heart...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Father Ahnsahnghong Melted My Cold Heart

All Honor and Praise to Our Heavenly Father Ahsahnghong and Our Heavenly Mother Jerusalem...
Now is time for the leaves to fall and the chill to begin and winter is at the door. Before i met my Heavenly Father and Mother, this season was a reminder of my soul and heart, cold. In this world i couldn't find anything that would warm my soul or heart and with each passing day it got colder and colder and empty, just like a winter night. Until the light shone on my heart and soul...WHAT A JOY! I began to feel the ice melting my heart palpitating faster, and my sould screaming with joy as the ice began to melt with the precious words of i understand why it is trully called the word of life, because my Father Ahn Sahng Hong and My Mother Jerusalem restored that life inside of me. Through Father and Mother's sacrifice I have life....Thank You Our Heavenly Parents!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



The Power of Almighty Father Ahnsahnghong

All honor and glory be to our Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Our Heavenly Mother. When I read the bible, it brings joy to my heart and soul to know that I can for the first time see the mysteries that have been revealed to me. Who am I that I should know this? who am I that it should be reveal to me? I am but a sinner... but God Almighty Ahnsahnghong came to this world in the flesh as prophecied and had mercy on us and brought this joy to me...Father and Mother's sacrifice is beyond words, they loved us so much that they had to come and suffer for us sinners. I sometimes go back and I think, What would have been of me if they did not come,the emptiness is no longer there, I am complete, and I have the hope of Salvation. Thank You My Heavenly Parents! What a joy to hear, what a joy to see, what a blessing to understand. Your power Father Ahnsahnghong is undiscribable.